Community Iftar 2025

Monday 5th March. Booking is essential for catering purposes. Parents and students who wish to attend are asked to let us know by completing our online booking form.
We are hosting our second annual Community Iftar on the evening of Wednesday 5th March 2025. This is a perfect opportunity for parents and students to gain an insight into why our fellow Muslim students fast during the month of Ramadan. The Iftar event is open to all students and families (Muslim and non-Muslim) in every year group. Doors open at 5:00pm, the event will begin at 5:20pm, fast opens at 5:56pm, followed by a prayer (for those who wish to). The event will culminate with the opportunity for all attendees to join together for a hot meal.
Further information can be found on our Letters Home page.
Bookings can be made online via our online form or by email to