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Academy Hosts Tender's Healthy Relationships Workshop

We have been delighted to host a transformative two-day workshop led by Tender, focusing on fostering healthy relationships amongst secondary school students. The workshop, led by expert facilitators Dean and Liz, aimed to equip students with the necessary skills to build and maintain healthy relationships, identify harmful ones, and enhance their peer mentoring and presentation abilities.

The two-day Healthy Relationships project, tailored for students in Years 8 and 10, culminated in creating a drama performance given to a group of Year 7 students, during which students shared their key learnings with their peers.

Throughout the workshop, students identified the key differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships. They also learned to recognise the early warning signs, or 'red flags', that indicate an unhealthy relationship. Additionally, they practised setting and respecting personal boundaries and explored the importance of equality and respect within relationships. The workshop also helped the students develop increased self-confidence and empathy for others. They gained a deeper understanding of human rights, with a specific focus on gender-based violence, and became aware of where and how to access support.

The workshop was well-received by students and staff, who provided positive feedback, emphasising the valuable insights and practical skills developed.