Academy Students Shine in Hands-On Hair and Beauty Workshops at Kirklees College

A group of Year 9 students were thrilled to go on a visit to Kirklees College, Dewsbury, where they were able to participate in an inspiring morning of hands-on learning. The educational journey took place in the prestigious Pioneer Higher Skills Centre, where students immersed themselves in various workshops aimed at broadening their horizons and providing valuable insights into potential future career paths.
The purpose of the visit was to elevate the aspirations of the students and provide them with a glimpse into the college experience and raise awareness of potential future career choices. The students exhibited exceptional behaviour throughout the morning, making the most of this valuable opportunity.
The day began with an insightful tour of the college, giving students a first-hand look at the state-of-the-art facilities that are available at the Pioneer Centre. Students then took part in a workshop in the hair salon where they engaged in practical lessons on proper hair care techniques, including washing, conditioning, and drying. The hands-on experience continued as they learnt the art of styling hair using plaits, underlining the practical skills that are essential in the hairdressing industry.
Students were then engaged in a second workshop based in the beauty salon, where they immersed themselves in the world of manicures. Here, they were not just passive observers; they actively participated, putting their newfound skills to the test by practising on each other.
The visit proved to be a resounding success, with students expressing their genuine enjoyment of the experience. The workshops not only opened their eyes to the diverse career opportunities within the beauty industry but also fuelled their aspirations for the future.
We are most grateful to staff at the Pioneer Centre for providing this immersive college experience for our students. The experience has empowered them to make informed decisions about their academic and professional journeys in the future.