Delighted to welcome back former student Charlie Whitlam
We were delighted to welcome former student Charlie Whitlam back to the Academy when he paid our students a visit to speak about the career of a Paramedic as part of our Inspirational Speaker programme.
Charlie was Head Boy and completed his education at Thornhill in 2016. In speaking to students Charlie spoke of his educational path since leaving school including study at sixth form college and university. Charlie, who studied Paramedic Science with the University of Northampton, informed students about his course which included a combination of placement and classroom learning in addition to practical sessions. He also spoke about the ambulance and hospital placements which he had to undertake as part of his training.
The purpose of our Inspirational Speaker events is to enable our students to hear first-hand accounts from others about their learning journey since leaving school and the career routes available to them within a variety of professions. We are most grateful to Charlie for enabling our students to gain insight into the work of a Paramedic and the career opportunities available within this field of employment.
Students can find details of future Inspirational Speaker events listed in the Academy’s Calendar, which can be found here.